Premarital Counseling Skills: Active Listening

Active listening is a powerful tool that can transform your relationship by fostering deeper understanding and stronger connections. This is a key topic that is covered in our Premarital Counseling program. Here are some tips on how to practice active listening with your partner:

  • Give Your Full Attention: When your partner is speaking, put away distractions like your phone or the TV. Make eye contact, and focus entirely on what they are saying. This shows them that you value their thoughts and feelings.

  • Listen Without Interruption: Resist the urge to jump in with your own thoughts or responses while your partner is talking. Let them finish their thoughts before you respond. This helps ensure they feel heard and respected.

  • Use Non-Verbal Cues: Show that you're engaged in the conversation through non-verbal cues like nodding, smiling, or mirroring their emotions. This can help your partner feel more at ease and open in their communication.

  • Reflect and Validate: After your partner has spoken, reflect back on what they've said to demonstrate that you've understood. You can say things like, "I hear you're feeling..." or "It sounds like you're saying...". Validate their feelings and experiences, even if you don't agree with them.

  • Ask Open-Ended Questions: Encourage your partner to share more by asking open-ended questions. These questions typically start with words like "how," "what," or "why" and invite more elaborate responses.

By learning and practicing active listening in our Premarital Counseling program, you can create an environment of trust and empathy in your relationship, where both partners feel heard and valued, ultimately strengthening your connection and communication.


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