The Insanity Loop


Do you find yourself doing exactly the same thing every day in exactly the same way, and wonder why your life or relationship isn’t advancing?

This is the definition of insanity, and we find that the Insanity Loop affects many of the individuals in our Life Transitions Coaching, as well as couples in our Premarital Counseling program. It’s an indicator that you or your relationship fits in the Comfort Zone Type A, as mentioned in one of my earlier articles. Even though you may be unsatisfied with some aspect of your life, you’re subconsciously comfortable with the familiarity, and therefore resistant to change.

In order to break this loop, and break the hold that resistance has on you, start with these steps:

  1. If you’re a “snoozer,” and hit that snooze button every morning, that’s a great place to start. By getting out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off the first time, you’ve started your day with a victory against resistance.

  2. Set meaningful goals toward your desired outcomes in life for yourself or your relationship. Use a whiteboard so you see them every day. Put accountability measures in place to keep yourself or your relationship advancing.

  3. Always remember that you can’t change other people. You can only change how you see things, and how you show up in the world.

What else can you change in your life to break the Insanity Loop, and begin the change you hope for? Don’t wait for change to find you. You have to be the change.


Relationship Nurturing Part 3 – The Go-Along-to-Get-Along


Relationship Nurturing Part 2 – “If you loved me, you would know!”