In the heart of the beholder


The word "attractive", when referring to another person, immediately brings to mind something very specific for most people. Namely, someone who is visually appealing, and likely someone who would be considered visually appealing to a large percentage of the population.

But when it comes to being attractive within a love relationship, the word takes on a whole new meaning. In fact, it takes on the true meaning of the word; qualities that attract. It certainly could be referring to looks, but it could just as easily be referring to charisma, charm, intelligence, sense of humor, warmth, selflessness, consideration, kindness, or any number of other things that one might be attracted to in their partner.

Why is this important? Frankly, as people age, have children, and simply live life, their visual appearance will change, regardless of how much some people may fight it. But when you're attracted to your mate because of who they are and what they do, rather than how they look, that is attraction that can last a lifetime.

Tapping into—and deepening—your truest feelings for your partner are key components of our Premarital Counseling and Marriage Coaching programs.


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